Sunday, February 17, 2013


My goal is to read 100 books by the end of 2013.  I just finished book 16.

I would like to thank NetGalley (Bookmasters, Inc.) for the opportunity to download a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Spacewalker by Jerry L. Ross and John Norberg
Summary:  Jerry Ross was the first astronaut to launch into space 7 times, and this biography covers his childhood and career (7 spaceflights, 9 space walks, almost 1400 hours spent in space).  His career spanned the entire U.S. Shuttle program, and this book is full of his personal experiences as well as more general information about NASA (including the tragedies of Challenger and Columbia).

This book was full of detail and I could feel his passion for space and excitement for his job very easily.  While the majority of the book covering his career was fascinating (my nerdy self found many "fun facts" to share with my equally nerdy husband), the beginning of the book covering his childhood dragged a little, and the last few chapters covering the ending of the Shuttle program were a little too political for my tastes.  Overall, I enjoyed it but recognize that this book, while enjoyable to a specific target audience, may not appeal to a wide general audience.

Recommended to someone that is very interested in space and the technical details behind spaceflight.

Quote of the Blog:
"I observed the universe face-to-face.  It was like I could see to the beginning of time." ~ Jerry Ross

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