Friday, December 11, 2015

Betrayal in Death

Book 48 of my 2015 Reading Challenge
read from August 2 - 3

Betrayal in Death
Book 12 of the In Death series

Summary (via Goodreads)
At the luxurious Roarke Palace Hotel, a maid walks into suite 4602 for the nightly turndown - and steps into her worst nightmare. A killer leaves her dead, strangled by a thin silver wire. He's Sly Yost, a virtuoso of music and murder. A hit man for the elite. Lieutenant Eve Dallas knows him well. But in this twisted case, knowing the killer doesn't help solve the crime. Because there's someone else involved. Someone with a more personal motive. And Eve must face a terrifying possibility - that the real target may, in fact, be her husband Roarke...

My Opinion
So...the last book I read in the series had no quotes that jumped out for me.  For this one, I read it and took no notes at all.  That means I'm perfectly neutral, no hugely positive or hugely negative reactions to share.

Still looking forward to continuing the series. 

A Few Quotes from the Book
"He whistled as he beat her. He hummed as he raped her. By the time he'd strangled her, he was singing."

"Notification of next of kin was the most miserable part of being a homicide cop. With a few words you cut slices out of lives. No matter how they were put back together later, they were never the same. Once pieces were missing from the whole, the pattern was forever altered."

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