Friday, October 11, 2024

The Marriage of Opposites

 Book 76 of my 2024 Reading Challenge
read from September 28 - October 11

The Marriage of Opposites
by Alice Hoffman

My Opinion
3 stars

I didn't realize this was historical fiction based on real people until I was beginning the book.  I must be uncultured because I'd never heard of the painter Camille Pissarro.

The story ebbed and flowed for me which is why I'm rating it in the middle.  There were parts so beautiful and absorbing and then parts that seemed to dragged.  The first chapter especially was hard to get into but then it picked up and I'm glad I continued reading.

Not to judge what I don't know much about but I really didn't understand why it was such a big deal for Frederic and Rachel to be together.  At a time when women had no rights I thought it was common practice for a widow to be passed off to a relative of her late husband's.  I'm glad life worked out as well as it did for the characters, especially if this was based on fact.

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