Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Island of Legends

 Book 47 of my 2020 Reading Challenge
read from June 10 - July 6

Island of Legends
by Lisa McMann
Book 4 of the Unwanteds series

Summary (via Goodreads)
published 2014

When hundreds of lights appear across the sea during Artimé’s first annual masquerade ball, the party is over. Artimé is under attack, and Alex, the magical world’s young mage, must prove he can handle his newfound leadership.
Alex receives no help from Aaron, his scheming twin brother. Instead of rallying Quill to help defend their island, Aaron disappears and happens upon a dangerous secret hidden in the jungle—one with the potential to give him the power he desperately desires.
Even in the midst of battle Alex hasn’t forgotten his promise to rescue his new friend Sky’s mother from the volatile Pirates Island, a rocky volcano that randomly spits fire and sinks beneath the ocean’s surface with little warning. Once the rescue team is on the way, friendships are tested and the stakes are high. Ultimately the team discovers there are more creatures than they ever imagined in the waters surrounding their island chain—and not all of them are friendly.

My Opinion
4 stars

I really liked this installment of the series.  There was enough conflict to keep the story moving but the problems didn't feel insurmountable like some of the other books.  This was definitely lighter and it ended on a great cliffhanger so I'm ready to jump right into the next one! 

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