Sunday, December 27, 2020

Ghost Hunter's Daughter

Book 69 of my 2020 Reading Challenge
read from October 15 - 19

Ghost Hunter's Daughter
by Dan Poblocki

Summary (via Goodreads)
published 2020

Claire doesn't believe in ghosts, even though her dad is a ghost hunter on TV. But then her dad disappears. And a strange boy in her class, Lucas, knows something about ghosts. One of them has a message for her: Her dad has been taken, and he's in grave danger.
Together, Claire and Lucas set out for the town of Hush Falls, where her dad was last seen. Legend says that a tall man in a dark tattered coat lurks near the local reservoir, and anyone who gets too close to old Lemuel Hush is never heard from again.
Claire and Lucas are determined to rescue her father. But how can they save him from the ghost of Hush when everyone knows that seeing the ghost means that you're destined to die...

My Opinion
4 stars

This read more 'Juvenile Fiction' than 'YA' to me and after looking at Goodreads, this appears to be more a shelving issue with my library (they put it in the YA section) because it's described as a "middle-grade" book and I think that's appropriate.

It was well-written with a good length and pace and even though it was an easy read it was unpredictable.  There were a few coincidences that moved the story along but it wasn't anything outlandish.  I was also glad there were adults involved; I don't like it when stories are unnecessarily complicated because people don't talk to each other.

I started off with a 3 star rating but now that I've typed out this review I'm going to bump it up to 4 stars because the only reason I feel 'meh' about it is because I wasn't the right audience.  

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