Thursday, December 31, 2020

Ghosts of Polk County Iowa

 Book 74 of my 2020 Reading Challenge

Ghosts of Polk County, Iowa
by Tom Welch

Summary (via the book jacket)
published 1988

For most of recorded history, in all parts of the world, there have been accounts of ghosts. Even the skeptics among us would have to admit that in their more reflective moments, they find the possibility of supernatural visitors intriguing. Perhaps that is why we are so interested in them. They are a universal phenomenon. As such, they help us to examine the human condition and better understand our own lives.
I offer my ghost stories as both legends of Polk County and as chronicles of the frightening, heartwarming, and humorous wanderings of the unquiet dead. I have tried most of all to learn the details of their earthly lives and what motivated them to come back from the "other world" after supposedly being laid to rest. The events that lead up to these apparitions are, many times, dramatic tales in themselves.

My Opinion

This is a placeholder review because it is a re-read. My husband was very interested when I read this book myself so I read the book for a second time aloud to him over the course of November and December. 

See my original review earlier this year for my thoughts.

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