Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 Book 44 of my 2024 Reading Challenge
read on June 5 

by Katherine Rundell

My Opinion
4 stars

I read it easily in a day.  This is a Juvenile Fiction book so there was an undercurrent of safety that helped as I read it because I felt confident the story wouldn't completely veer into catastrophe and there would be a somewhat happy ending.

I'm not sure what made me add this book in the first place; either one of my kids read it or maybe it was on one of their book lists.  But I enjoyed it more as an actual read for myself that I expected to; most of the time I'm reading J Fic through the lens of "would a young reader enjoy it?"  It probably helps that my brain remains fried from the busyness of May so this is a good way to ease back into reading without taxing my memory too much.

I'm very surprised there doesn't appear to be more books with these characters and am sad to leave them behind.  But looking at the author's work, she seems to write with a theme of adventures and I would read her again.  This is definitely an author I would recommend to reluctant middle-school readers.

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