Friday, August 30, 2024

The Yellow Birds

 Book 65 of my 2024 Reading Challenge
read from August 25 - 30

The Yellow Birds
by Kevin Powers

My Opinion
4 stars

This is a book that could've ripped me up emotionally if I'd let it but I deliberately read it in small pieces to try and detach as much as I could.  Even so, I found myself rereading passages to let it soak in.

Even though it's a fiction book, the author appears to have the experience to make the story feel realistic.  It was gritty but not exploitative.  

The 5ish year jump left a little too much out for me because even with the sparseness of the story and the fragments of jumping around time periods, there were some pretty major developments in that timeframe that could've helped get from the beginning to the end a little more cohesively.

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