Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Landry Park

Book 55 of my 2018 Reading Challenge

Landry Park by Bethany Hagen
Book 1 of the Landry Park series

Summary (via the book jacket)
In a future United States, sixteen-year-old Madeline Landry belongs to the gentry - a small group of ruling-class families. But while Madeline and her family live a charmed life at Landry Park, outside the opulent walls of their estate lies a country in ruins. When Madline meets the very dashing, very eligible David Dana, they uncover the horrible circumstances of the Rootless, the impoverished lower class. Soon, rumors of rebellion begin to spread, and Madeline and David find themselves at the center of it all. Ultimately, Madeline will have to make a choice - between duty and desire, between love and loyalty. 

My Opinion
I wasn't sure what to expect going in.  There are multiple YA books that use the plot formula of dystopian world/teen thrust into a leadership role but there's a reason for that - when it works, it works.  Luckily, this book worked for me.  I wavered between 3 and 4 stars but rounded up because I couldn't put the book down during the last few chapters - I made my son sit in the car at the soccer fields because I had been reading while waiting for him and couldn't put it down to drive home until I finished the last few pages. 

There were some eye-rolling moments as Madeline and David were in the "will they-won't they" and the romance between any of the characters was my least favorite aspect but it was very readable and I was intrigued from the first page.

What set this apart from other YA reads is the plot wasn't dragged out through 3 or more books.  There is a second book that I plan to read but I wouldn't have to - there is enough satisfaction of the plot wrap-up in this book that a reader could walk away if they wanted to.  It was a little abrupt but overall a very pleasant surprise for this type of book.

A Few Quotes from the Book 
"Peace is just another word for preparation."

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