Saturday, October 12, 2019

Five Feet Apart

Book 55 of my 2019 Reading Challenge
read on August 26

Five Feet Apart
by Rachel Lippincott

Summary (via Goodreads)
published 2018

My Opinion
5 stars

As I may or may not have mentioned, I feel like I've been in a bit of a reading slump over the past year or two.  I have some chronic health issues that leave me very fatigued which has led to a lot of my reading time getting taken away, either because I'm sleeping more than usual or because I'm technically awake but too mentally exhausted to focus on a book.  

But this book came along at just the right time.  I started it later in the evening and ended up staying up and reading the entire thing...I can't even remember the last time I devoured a book like that.

I can't even say it's necessarily the book itself but I'm giving it 5 stars for the experience that I've been missing.  I don't have an interest in watching the movie (although I couldn't help picturing the actors in my mind as I was reading) because I think the book was just long enough to stay on the good side of "sweet and sappy" but it was close.  I really enjoyed it while I was reading it and am happy leaving the characters where they are.

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